Fake and repackaged products are everywhere and easily obtained in the market. We strive to expose and alert consumers on fake or repacked products being sold as the original.
Some re-sellers have even gone to the extent of touting a known imitation as the original. If one is concerned about one's health & safety, make it a point that what you get is the original, not fake or repackaged.
The practice of some unscrupulous traders, repacking unknown contents into nicely labelled boxes with a well-known brand name has been around for many years. Consumers are easily misled into believing that these are the original.
For the sake of safety and health, we study deep into the product contains, company background and did some research on each brands available and come out with a list of products which are authentic & safe for use.
If there's doubt on our researches & studies, please do contact the parent companies of the brand/ goods directly to ascertain if such products are really manufactured by them.
It is because we CARE! Our starting point is to look out for the people we CARE.
We have friends, family, relatives and even clients who are desperately and continuously seeking for magical solutions for beautiful skins and yet most of them have been a victim of fraud by products claimed to enhance the outer look in no time!
No doubts, there are plenty of people around us who strive to be beautiful and would do anything to be beautiful and to stay young. With the advance in medical science and technology, there are all sorts of solutions for a beautiful and perfect skin. However, in this era, same goes to the advance in fakes and imitations. The fake products might claims to have the same effects as the original ones but the content itself is left unknown and it could be dangerous! Cheap products & unrecognized products would definitely cause harmful effect to our body if consumed or administered in long term.
So RIGHT HERE, We strive to help, to provide professional advice and help to source for products which are only clinically proven to be effective and most importantly the content is SAFE TO USE!
We only offer products which have gone through verification and authentication.